I received Aditi's letter yesterday.....a 16 page long chronicle that was becoming so much of a need until it had not arrived. The reason for my desperation being the constant thrumming of solitude that seemed to fill me up from head to toe.It had to stop before it started running along with blood in my veins and her letter,I knew would play the antidote. And so it did. With every line read and every page turned her words acted like dementers to my loneliness, sucking in every ounce that was vigorously trying to find home in me. Her letter if could be painted would take the shape of a very bright ray of sun that would work like butterbeer for my soul. Its warmth slowly spreading in every part of me. For a long time I was quiet, savouring every little incident she had mentioned in it and feeling content with just how much close I felt with her through that piece of paper.
The letter took me on a jaunt through her life there in udaipur where I cant be with her now, like I used to be when we were in school together.Those were somedays when we both like two ammateur comrades had set out to take a trip on the world. Looking back I realise just how inexpressive we both had been.Young and busy. I dont remember holding hands with her while walking on the road or ever hugging her and telling her how much she meant to me. We never needed each other. We were always there...
Our relation grew.I think the distance brought us close. We both grew in alot of aspects and like the world would say emerged as two young ladies(I know U dont like the word)
Coming back to her letter, it made alot of sense to me when I read what she thought regarding being in love.I was surprised to know just how alike our thought patterns were. She once wrote in my slam book 'Love holds your hand,makes you blind and yet carries you on the right path...' and I would say that I quiet agree with that Aditi. It feels great to be in love and feels better when expressed more often.
Time and again it surprises me how easy it is to be connected with the ones you love.The physical distances dissolve when your tattered soul finds solace in their words.
Thanking her would be an understatement.Telling her how much I love her repetitively might do justice but would not suffice. But she is like that ray of sun that brightens up my day and manages to put a smile on my face even when it seems impossible. My imperfections so easily accepted and looked over, my mistakes so honestly pointed out, advices given only when asked...its not in everyones capacity to be what she is to me...my mirror-image......I just wont find another...
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Let me be what I want to be...
And so she cried..it was almost a plea and strangely I felt as if directed towards me. I couldnt understand why both of them looked at me, waiting for me to react, to agree rather. The subject of discussion had been 'Death Metal'. They were the ones who had tonnes to talk about it and I was just a mute observer nodding my head here and there whenever I thought I had heard the names of the bands that they kept mentioning. They even suggested what bands I should start listening to. We continued talkin about it for some more time.I sitting between the two of them like an audience watching a tennis tournament obediently following the itinerary of the ball that dived from his court to hers.
A was introduced to me by V in his own very peculiar style. V himself is very grouchy about the people he wants to be with. If you ask me its actually the people who dont want to be with him. Why??...Why not?? I mean look at him. He looks like a rowdy out of some scruffy magazine. His unkempt hair that would remind you of road-side lukkhas,his pants barely managing to cling on to his tenuous arse, an arrant perpetual expression of a chronic drinker,so dishevelled,his attire rumpled and absolutely frowzled that it just makes a travesty of Slash(one of the guitarist of G n R..and his favourite too!!!). One look at him and you would be barfing!
If V ever had a sibling in my college she would have to resemble A. A who always carries a screwed expression on her face as if the sun is 24 hrs right in front of her. She being totally enamoured by the not-so-understandable charm of Mr. V,they look so much like made for each other,like two cartoon characters jamming together singing songs that have never made sense to me. Even the reason for their being friends had been their similar choice of songs because according to A the people who hear metal have some metal in them too. This is particularly becoming a problem for her as none but only one person,undoubtedly Mr. V (her bro!) has an ear for metal. Their instant friendship dint come to me as a surprise. It was inevitable...their freemasonry.
The discussion had drifted gradually to another topic,now this one being a favourite of V: Countries,their cultures,the amount of freedom(to fuck as many bases as u can!!!)and the conflict between indian and french mentality.Yeah he has been learning French from a reputed school of language for the past two years. He is good no doubt but it seems the french people have taught him more than just their language. His aim is to settle down in some french country not for some career but to have fun. Ask him how does he plan to do that and he has no answer.So is the case with A. She looks like this gorilla on a lose with too small a brain in too big a head that can only understand and respond to sounds of words like 'Death metal' and 'Grunge metal'.
They started off with things like what would happen after the college,obviously they wont miss it.I think thats where I interrupted them after wat seemed like an endless pause just to say that the people will be a little hard to forget. Their reaction to this statement was lurid. They both pounced on me as if I had pronounced a death sentence because according to them people of this place were not worth remembering.It was fine till here as listening to this from these two was pretty much digestable. It only became improbable once they talked about this from a philosophical point of view.
Let me put it in a more organised manner...
V's philosophy:
We came to this world not to make friends but to have fun.What is fun? Its not committment but an act of dealing with other human being as long as you are comfortable with them and after that.....you part!! Who wants responsibilities,who wants to take care of the people,who wants to look after the parents...not me,not me,not me! He screamed,his face smitten by disgust as if he had lived all his life shouldering neck-breaking responsibilities. Why do u need to carry relations from one place to another,why not forget people when you say good-bye to the place,move forward, make new friends,get laid, leave the place and forget those people too... and the cycle would go on and on. The bottom line is- Live life with no responsibilities with people who give you pleasure as long as they can.
A's (dependent)philosophy:
She would never not agree with her bosom crony.They are like the seamese twins joined at the head or maybe at the bottom...the seam stitched in a way that it would read words like flee,hide,metal,rock...
She dived deep into this pit from where she dug out all the knowledge that she could have achieved only after listening to death metal. She had attained nirvana and was now trying to enlighten me with her limited knowledge as well.Her philosophy is very simple. If you are a death metal fan you have got your brains in the right place. Such people have something in them,thats how she would justify her taste of music.Something..what?? well she wont have an answer to that obviously. Her plea to listen to everything that she had to say about people and the world was not sickening or boring but simply amusing and strange.
It hit me then..about the way we all are and have been since donkeys years. Little knowledge and hell lot of an attitude to cover up the flaws. We all have conveniently achieved what we can call our kinda Nirvana-where ignorance is bliss and the head is still held high..........Phew!!!
A was introduced to me by V in his own very peculiar style. V himself is very grouchy about the people he wants to be with. If you ask me its actually the people who dont want to be with him. Why??...Why not?? I mean look at him. He looks like a rowdy out of some scruffy magazine. His unkempt hair that would remind you of road-side lukkhas,his pants barely managing to cling on to his tenuous arse, an arrant perpetual expression of a chronic drinker,so dishevelled,his attire rumpled and absolutely frowzled that it just makes a travesty of Slash(one of the guitarist of G n R..and his favourite too!!!). One look at him and you would be barfing!
If V ever had a sibling in my college she would have to resemble A. A who always carries a screwed expression on her face as if the sun is 24 hrs right in front of her. She being totally enamoured by the not-so-understandable charm of Mr. V,they look so much like made for each other,like two cartoon characters jamming together singing songs that have never made sense to me. Even the reason for their being friends had been their similar choice of songs because according to A the people who hear metal have some metal in them too. This is particularly becoming a problem for her as none but only one person,undoubtedly Mr. V (her bro!) has an ear for metal. Their instant friendship dint come to me as a surprise. It was inevitable...their freemasonry.
The discussion had drifted gradually to another topic,now this one being a favourite of V: Countries,their cultures,the amount of freedom(to fuck as many bases as u can!!!)and the conflict between indian and french mentality.Yeah he has been learning French from a reputed school of language for the past two years. He is good no doubt but it seems the french people have taught him more than just their language. His aim is to settle down in some french country not for some career but to have fun. Ask him how does he plan to do that and he has no answer.So is the case with A. She looks like this gorilla on a lose with too small a brain in too big a head that can only understand and respond to sounds of words like 'Death metal' and 'Grunge metal'.
They started off with things like what would happen after the college,obviously they wont miss it.I think thats where I interrupted them after wat seemed like an endless pause just to say that the people will be a little hard to forget. Their reaction to this statement was lurid. They both pounced on me as if I had pronounced a death sentence because according to them people of this place were not worth remembering.It was fine till here as listening to this from these two was pretty much digestable. It only became improbable once they talked about this from a philosophical point of view.
Let me put it in a more organised manner...
V's philosophy:
We came to this world not to make friends but to have fun.What is fun? Its not committment but an act of dealing with other human being as long as you are comfortable with them and after that.....you part!! Who wants responsibilities,who wants to take care of the people,who wants to look after the parents...not me,not me,not me! He screamed,his face smitten by disgust as if he had lived all his life shouldering neck-breaking responsibilities. Why do u need to carry relations from one place to another,why not forget people when you say good-bye to the place,move forward, make new friends,get laid, leave the place and forget those people too... and the cycle would go on and on. The bottom line is- Live life with no responsibilities with people who give you pleasure as long as they can.
A's (dependent)philosophy:
She would never not agree with her bosom crony.They are like the seamese twins joined at the head or maybe at the bottom...the seam stitched in a way that it would read words like flee,hide,metal,rock...
She dived deep into this pit from where she dug out all the knowledge that she could have achieved only after listening to death metal. She had attained nirvana and was now trying to enlighten me with her limited knowledge as well.Her philosophy is very simple. If you are a death metal fan you have got your brains in the right place. Such people have something in them,thats how she would justify her taste of music.Something..what?? well she wont have an answer to that obviously. Her plea to listen to everything that she had to say about people and the world was not sickening or boring but simply amusing and strange.
It hit me then..about the way we all are and have been since donkeys years. Little knowledge and hell lot of an attitude to cover up the flaws. We all have conveniently achieved what we can call our kinda Nirvana-where ignorance is bliss and the head is still held high..........Phew!!!
I sit at the door,Waiting
Staring out at the horizon
The sun is sinking down
It is time to go home.
My eyes fixed on the road
And I see him from a distance
My heart skips a beat
A 1000 emotions rush in.
He appears closer now
With each step he takes towards me
My heart races all the more.
I get up and walk to the entrance..
To welcome The Man,
To welcome him- My Man!
I see his face clearly now
And I feel him looking at me.
As he stands in front of me
His eyes penetrating mine,
His head held high,
And smilingly he says Lets go.
And I set out with him to explore the unknown,
To unravel the mysteries that await Us;
Its me and Him and Our beliefs
Our promise to enjoy, TOGETHER..
Laugh and play and play and laugh
And go on like that Forever
Forever-till the time it lasts.
A tear rolls down my cheek
Its just another gloomy reverie
My eyes still fixed on the road
But the sun has sunk
Its just left tranquility behind
And ME sitting at the door,
Still waiting....
Staring out at the horizon
The sun is sinking down
It is time to go home.
My eyes fixed on the road
And I see him from a distance
My heart skips a beat
A 1000 emotions rush in.
He appears closer now
With each step he takes towards me
My heart races all the more.
I get up and walk to the entrance..
To welcome The Man,
To welcome him- My Man!
I see his face clearly now
And I feel him looking at me.
As he stands in front of me
His eyes penetrating mine,
His head held high,
And smilingly he says Lets go.
And I set out with him to explore the unknown,
To unravel the mysteries that await Us;
Its me and Him and Our beliefs
Our promise to enjoy, TOGETHER..
Laugh and play and play and laugh
And go on like that Forever
Forever-till the time it lasts.
A tear rolls down my cheek
Its just another gloomy reverie
My eyes still fixed on the road
But the sun has sunk
Its just left tranquility behind
And ME sitting at the door,
Still waiting....
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Utility chamber and a volley of thoughts
As I lay sprawled over the roof top of my pent house I felt a subtle calm spread all over me. The winds playing with my hair,tickling my senses so much that the smile stubbornly stayed on my lips for a very long time. Discovery of this place had been very welcoming, especially after a long, hectic and a wasted day at college. Looking up at the blue sky I spread my arms wide open hoping to take in whatever my vision would let me, hugging tight, clinging on to the sky as if for some kinda assurance. I thought to myself, it was not so bad afterall. I could always climb up and come to this place to find that one thing that I missed all day......being myself. The distant lights signify something....I dont know what...maybe they tell me that there is always a beginning to an end.. I could lie on that cold white glittering stone forever...the touch with the cold floor distracts me for a while..takes my mind to a place where I dont have to listen to people who dont make sense,who laugh for no reason, who never have a straight Yes or No for an answer.
The entire apartment under my feet and the interminable sky above..I stand up and walk to the edge..just one step closer and I will be counting micro-seconds before I hit the ground. I keep looking down for a long time waiting to come over the urge to jump.nah!!!dont u think I m upset or given up on life.......I just find it amusing. The steady smile says it all. And now I suddenly realise....had I been home I wouldnt have been able to think all of this..perhaps I would have been doing something menial...most of things that u do are menial(on second thoughts),you just have to prioritise them. And now as I stand here I tell myself this place is no less than a chamber itself with air acting as concrete and the sky which has now turned black, as the roof. Its my chamber where I can look anywhere, think anything, confess, criticise, just anything. Its a place where I need no breathers..Its a place where all my thoughts fall obediently in line as beads would onto a thread,one after another, some coming in bundles, the rest slowly, lazily. Get a grip you would say...hark!! This is where I let my self loose, become vulnerable and stand naked and surrender to the realms of reality. The roof-top does justice to its title which I will give it now-The Utility chamber.
I have sat here for more than an hour now thinking hard,harder. What would happen if tomorrow never came..is that possible??..ha ha..I laugh out aloud without even realising it..its inevitable..and the sun will rise from the east..it has to.
The entire apartment under my feet and the interminable sky above..I stand up and walk to the edge..just one step closer and I will be counting micro-seconds before I hit the ground. I keep looking down for a long time waiting to come over the urge to jump.nah!!!dont u think I m upset or given up on life.......I just find it amusing. The steady smile says it all. And now I suddenly realise....had I been home I wouldnt have been able to think all of this..perhaps I would have been doing something menial...most of things that u do are menial(on second thoughts),you just have to prioritise them. And now as I stand here I tell myself this place is no less than a chamber itself with air acting as concrete and the sky which has now turned black, as the roof. Its my chamber where I can look anywhere, think anything, confess, criticise, just anything. Its a place where I need no breathers..Its a place where all my thoughts fall obediently in line as beads would onto a thread,one after another, some coming in bundles, the rest slowly, lazily. Get a grip you would say...hark!! This is where I let my self loose, become vulnerable and stand naked and surrender to the realms of reality. The roof-top does justice to its title which I will give it now-The Utility chamber.
I have sat here for more than an hour now thinking hard,harder. What would happen if tomorrow never came..is that possible??..ha ha..I laugh out aloud without even realising it..its inevitable..and the sun will rise from the east..it has to.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Astrologers and my Mamma.....God save Us!!!
As I opened the door to let Mamma enter, her smiling face told me her encounter with our fate-decider had been successful(she kissed me you know!!!). According to her(the palmist) my and my kid sister's future is going to be very very bright. I will do wonders in the technical field(yeah sure...ask me!!!!) and my sis will surely be a doctor,dentist (watever!!). While my dear mamma was narrating the incident I had already started cerebrating(I think too much you know!!).
Performing well in the technical field!!! HA HA HA!!! Thats like Charlie Chaplin doing a Devdas!! Now I am not going to get into the details of my forlorn attempts to study(refer-myfirst blog!!!).What I am trying to highlight here is how immaculately the palmist got my mum to believe the unbelievable. She(mamma) makes me wonder when she believes what she hears and not what she sees!! But her readiness to accept the impossible is justified.
Sometimes what you want becomes the truth and not what you are.You tend to accomodate your reality in the peripheries of convinience. Guess thats what drives the world............and my Mum!!!
Performing well in the technical field!!! HA HA HA!!! Thats like Charlie Chaplin doing a Devdas!! Now I am not going to get into the details of my forlorn attempts to study(refer-myfirst blog!!!).What I am trying to highlight here is how immaculately the palmist got my mum to believe the unbelievable. She(mamma) makes me wonder when she believes what she hears and not what she sees!! But her readiness to accept the impossible is justified.
Sometimes what you want becomes the truth and not what you are.You tend to accomodate your reality in the peripheries of convinience. Guess thats what drives the world............and my Mum!!!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
I know its very boring but cant skip it either! 'My parents named me Nidhi' sounds very cliched so I will device some other strategy to introduce myself .Please bear with me! Umm..here I go....
Mamma calls me raja beta,Daddy calls me Nidha or betiaa and my dear sister calls me Nidhidi.Now dont get confused with my real name.For the rest of the world i am N-I-D-H-I. I hate it when people other than those mentioned above twist and turn my name(putting aside a few of them!).It gets on my nerves when i am addressed as nids..........Uffff!!! Thats so so artificial! Why am i making an issue out of it,well think again.Its my identity after all and i decide how i should be known.So i think thats done with.
I am NIDHI and not nids!
Come to think of this,if in school days you scored the highest in languages without even making any efforts and you dreamt of becoming a doctor(it has always been an -in thing)simultaneously it shouldnt come as a surprise that I went with the trend and ended up in the science stream(dint know then that I was messing it up for myself!).Its only after looking at the thick books,the so very complicated formulas and the numericals of physics that I failed to solve I concluded 'All that glitters is not Gold!!!' But what was done couldnt be undone and so i continued like several others anticipating and wishing the outcome to be favourable. But God's a hell lot smarter, He gave me just what I deserved! Marks that I could never boast about.They decided my life thereafter. Here again I made the mistake of going with the trend. I took up the engineering course, Information Technology to be precise.I still remember the day I took this decision.I had made a promise to myself that I wud make the best out of what was offered to me.And so i stepped into yet another phase of my life with bundles of hope and expectations. Expectations from myself, of proving my worth to none but Me!! Yeah by now you all are aware of how much Me is important to me! I failed again(and I am ashamed of it!) but I dont regret it.One thing that I am satisfied about is that I have always got what I deserved,not an inch more or less.And I thank God for that! I am still struggling hard to get accustomed to my college atmostphere,the people there,the timings! But then agar ab tak kat gayi hai to aage bhi kat hi jaayegi.With this thought I try and comfort myself.What are my future plans..uh-huh(cough!! cough!!)I will come to it once I am done with other important things in my life like........
My Family
I can write an essay on them.Who's who?? I can go on and on about all of them because for me they r the Gods most unique creations,chiselled to perfection!
Mamma :- They say mum's are best friends but for me Mamma(as i so lovingly call her!) is my wrestling partner!! Why?! Though I am 20 it doesnt change a thing for her.You can still find her running behind me with either a broom-stick or a bathroom slipper in the house.No no!! I dont pester her to that extent,but its just her temper that cant stay under the limitline for more than a second.She is a wild cat on look-out for a prey(Need I say the prey is Me!!!). Daddy is fed up to the degree of not interfering or advicing either of us anymore. But my Mamma is one of a kind!! Everything about her makes me proud of her(Hope she feels the same about me!!). The similarities that I share with her are surprisingly many! Take our choice of food for example.She gorges on sweets and I too have inherited her sweet tooth. One more thing that I have from her is a nice complexion (pimplefree and blemishes free!!!).Mooooooooaaaaaaaaaah. She is the cutest thing!! Her ways and little gestures(even when she claps!!!!), all of them just make her so so adorable!!!
Love you Mamma!!!!!
Daddy :- The Man!!! Its not that he is my father and so loving him becomes obvious or a duty but its his impeccabilty that makes me respect him,trust him without any questions raised. For me his is the last word. "Brahm-Vaakya", thats what jokingly my mum would tell me. Like so many others I am a daddy's girl!! I have seen him smoothen over the years. His has been a journey from this energetic,vigorous,spontaneous young boy to a patient dad and a wiser human-being. And i am proud and blessed to have him as my dad.And know what? I dont even call him dad or daddy or papa,he is Dadda for me!!!! I dont remember calling him anything else other than that. His patience,his strongmindedness,everything, just everything about him makes me his all time fan. He is a self-made man,something that i take pride in telling anyone and everyone who would hear.
Whatever he has is his' and his only. Mum thinks I am hopelessly in love with him. My admiration for him automatically makes me compare any other guy who enters my life with him. None have been able to match up to him and so its no surprise that I am once again single!
I can dedicate the entire blog to him,but i will save the good for later.
Let me come to the most beautiful girl(after me obviously!!!....ha ha..kidding!!!).
My darling kid sister.........
Vini :- Ours I would say is a man to man bonding. No girly shit!! Plain sense. She is the one who I cry in front of, rather the only person. Her most envious quality is being absolutely non-judgemental about everything and anything. So she automatically become my secret-keeper!! She is not exactly that expressive with words but she understands everything(surprising enuff as she is so just 16!).She has surely grown up beyond her age and well before time(the trait inherited from Dadda!!). The best are the times when we both get together put on our fav song(Sutta!) and sing it loud and clear!!! She simply loves swearing, what all that she knows(from her pals and majority from me!).If mum wud ever hear us speak she wud faint.The only thought of that makes me roll with laughter!! I feel lucky to have her with me.
Mwaaaah!!!!! babieeeeeeee !!!
So thats about it!! My Introduction in detail.I wonder how many of you have read every line of this(Hardly any!!).
Like i care!!!
Mamma calls me raja beta,Daddy calls me Nidha or betiaa and my dear sister calls me Nidhidi.Now dont get confused with my real name.For the rest of the world i am N-I-D-H-I. I hate it when people other than those mentioned above twist and turn my name(putting aside a few of them!).It gets on my nerves when i am addressed as nids..........Uffff!!! Thats so so artificial! Why am i making an issue out of it,well think again.Its my identity after all and i decide how i should be known.So i think thats done with.
I am NIDHI and not nids!
Come to think of this,if in school days you scored the highest in languages without even making any efforts and you dreamt of becoming a doctor(it has always been an -in thing)simultaneously it shouldnt come as a surprise that I went with the trend and ended up in the science stream(dint know then that I was messing it up for myself!).Its only after looking at the thick books,the so very complicated formulas and the numericals of physics that I failed to solve I concluded 'All that glitters is not Gold!!!' But what was done couldnt be undone and so i continued like several others anticipating and wishing the outcome to be favourable. But God's a hell lot smarter, He gave me just what I deserved! Marks that I could never boast about.They decided my life thereafter. Here again I made the mistake of going with the trend. I took up the engineering course, Information Technology to be precise.I still remember the day I took this decision.I had made a promise to myself that I wud make the best out of what was offered to me.And so i stepped into yet another phase of my life with bundles of hope and expectations. Expectations from myself, of proving my worth to none but Me!! Yeah by now you all are aware of how much Me is important to me! I failed again(and I am ashamed of it!) but I dont regret it.One thing that I am satisfied about is that I have always got what I deserved,not an inch more or less.And I thank God for that! I am still struggling hard to get accustomed to my college atmostphere,the people there,the timings! But then agar ab tak kat gayi hai to aage bhi kat hi jaayegi.With this thought I try and comfort myself.What are my future plans..uh-huh(cough!! cough!!)I will come to it once I am done with other important things in my life like........
My Family
I can write an essay on them.Who's who?? I can go on and on about all of them because for me they r the Gods most unique creations,chiselled to perfection!
Mamma :- They say mum's are best friends but for me Mamma(as i so lovingly call her!) is my wrestling partner!! Why?! Though I am 20 it doesnt change a thing for her.You can still find her running behind me with either a broom-stick or a bathroom slipper in the house.No no!! I dont pester her to that extent,but its just her temper that cant stay under the limitline for more than a second.She is a wild cat on look-out for a prey(Need I say the prey is Me!!!). Daddy is fed up to the degree of not interfering or advicing either of us anymore. But my Mamma is one of a kind!! Everything about her makes me proud of her(Hope she feels the same about me!!). The similarities that I share with her are surprisingly many! Take our choice of food for example.She gorges on sweets and I too have inherited her sweet tooth. One more thing that I have from her is a nice complexion (pimplefree and blemishes free!!!).Mooooooooaaaaaaaaaah. She is the cutest thing!! Her ways and little gestures(even when she claps!!!!), all of them just make her so so adorable!!!
Love you Mamma!!!!!
Daddy :- The Man!!! Its not that he is my father and so loving him becomes obvious or a duty but its his impeccabilty that makes me respect him,trust him without any questions raised. For me his is the last word. "Brahm-Vaakya", thats what jokingly my mum would tell me. Like so many others I am a daddy's girl!! I have seen him smoothen over the years. His has been a journey from this energetic,vigorous,spontaneous young boy to a patient dad and a wiser human-being. And i am proud and blessed to have him as my dad.And know what? I dont even call him dad or daddy or papa,he is Dadda for me!!!! I dont remember calling him anything else other than that. His patience,his strongmindedness,everything, just everything about him makes me his all time fan. He is a self-made man,something that i take pride in telling anyone and everyone who would hear.
Whatever he has is his' and his only. Mum thinks I am hopelessly in love with him. My admiration for him automatically makes me compare any other guy who enters my life with him. None have been able to match up to him and so its no surprise that I am once again single!
I can dedicate the entire blog to him,but i will save the good for later.
Let me come to the most beautiful girl(after me obviously!!!....ha ha..kidding!!!).
My darling kid sister.........
Vini :- Ours I would say is a man to man bonding. No girly shit!! Plain sense. She is the one who I cry in front of, rather the only person. Her most envious quality is being absolutely non-judgemental about everything and anything. So she automatically become my secret-keeper!! She is not exactly that expressive with words but she understands everything(surprising enuff as she is so just 16!).She has surely grown up beyond her age and well before time(the trait inherited from Dadda!!). The best are the times when we both get together put on our fav song(Sutta!) and sing it loud and clear!!! She simply loves swearing, what all that she knows(from her pals and majority from me!).If mum wud ever hear us speak she wud faint.The only thought of that makes me roll with laughter!! I feel lucky to have her with me.
Mwaaaah!!!!! babieeeeeeee !!!
So thats about it!! My Introduction in detail.I wonder how many of you have read every line of this(Hardly any!!).
Like i care!!!
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