Wednesday, April 27, 2011

5 things you should not store on your phone. However smart it claims it is. :)

Remember me cribbing about my old Nokia N81 that stayed with me for good long 2 and half years. I bought a Samsung Wave 533 in December 2010. And today at around 945am I lost it. Black tongue as you may call me, but a few days back I was telling my colleagues that Samsung has failed to hold my attention, it is not even an android phone and I might buy a new phone soon. Did I know then, this is how I would buy a new phone.

Anyway, As soon as I lost it, I called the customer care and got my phone locked. I went to the nearby store and asked them to issue me a new sim card with same number. They told me, I could do that only if I had an id proof of the person under whose name the phone has been registered. And.. it is registered under my brothers name who doesn't reside in Ahmedabad. Well given the circumstances, I might get his id proof only in the evening.

Before that I am going home to check, the one option I totally ruled out, that the phone might be at home only. But the chances are slim.

Now without a phone and no phone numbers, I do not feel as disconnected as you might expect me to be. But losing the phone definitely has made me alert about the sort of things I should not store on my phone.

1. Private messages. However iresistible it is to go through them over and over, delete them from time to time. It is better than to have some stranger read your messages.
2. Pictures. Mannn! I almost missed my phone thinking about the lovely food pics, my pics and so many other pics, the phone had. Store everything on the phone. If the phone memory is not enough, buy a phone that has more internal memory. This way when you lock the phone, it will be But, its gone, its gone. :|
3. Don't store bank details esp acct details and atm pins, pwds together.
4. If you have synced emails on your phone, change passwords immediately.
5. Take back ups of everything important that you store on the phone.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

People/Things that make me...


1. Friend couples get romantic.
2. Acoustic guitar song that words out my current state of mind.
3. Romantic comedies because it always has a happy ending.
4. People relishing the food I cook.
5. Getting back into routine after a wild, chaotic weekend.
6. Draw the curtains on a Sunday afternoon, lie on the bed, dream aimlessly until the heads heavy and eyes begin to hurt.
7. Drive on empty roads, the wind in my face, blowing my hair.
8. Hearing about close ones doing well.
9. Accomplishments, desires, dreams, stories of struggle and failures that transform and transcend people.
10. Monsoons - just can't wait!
11. Conceiving, discussing, having heart to hearts with people who matter.


1. Attention deficient people
2. Illness and death because of slack lifestyles
3. Broken families
4. People suffering from complexes
5. Ambitious parents, unattended/deprived kids.
6. Unaware people leading objective less life.


1. Promises
2. Talk and no action
3. People who can't see you happy, progressing.
4. People who are not generous.
5. People unable to adapt and change according to circumstances.
6. People who disrespect their grand-parents.
7. Child molesters
8. Insecure women.


1. Mindlessly choosy people
2. No appreciation for the efforts people make.
3. Performance pressure
4. Surroundings that suffocate
5. Parasitic people


1. People who know how to live simply.
2. People who wake up at 5 am everyday.
3. People who have conquered their sloth.
4. Women with flat tummies and full breasts :P
5. Kids living with families.
6. Writers who have managed to publish themselves.
7. People who can go on vacations at will.
8. People who travel solo.
9. People living my dream - travel, travel, travel solo, backpack travel and write about it all.


1. Conversations left incomplete.
2. Hesitation from your closest buddy.
3. People who are unwilling to accept reality.
4. People who do not learn from ordinary experiences and change.
5. People who look at others dealing with their problems and thinking "Thank God! It dint happen to me!"
6. Fat people who fall sick and wonder why.
7. People who don't mind taking pills but mind living healthy.
8. People who think spirituality is for 50 year olds!
9. People who make a big deal of themselves.

What's up, Zindagi?

What's up huh? No... seriously? Whats with you that some days you make me feel invincible, some days you break me down and some days you just let me float on an endless ocean of hope and love. Its like one day I see you, the other I am searching for you. One day you are pop-rock, the other - an opera piece beyond my comprehension.

It's like one day I pick you up and scrutinize, the other I have you sorted through and through.

It's like one day you are linear, the other - lateral.

It's like one day I wake up to you and want to hug you forever, the other - I don't want to know you at all.

So many questions and I can't even turn to you. Because you hold all of them and you are unwilling to open up.

It's like I got on a boat that lost its way.. It's like being with people who look for the same things but in different places.

It's like dealing with you.. day in and day out. Sometimes, I give up, the others - I want to keep on trying...

Friday, April 01, 2011

Another piece of mindful fiction! Read it, rate it, comment also pleajhhh!

He looked at me and smirked. I blushed! Wow, so he knows! And all this while I had been thinking I was the only smart one here. It was an arts class and I had managed to slip someone else's work as mine.

That someone lived somewhere in Italy and there was no way my prof could have found that out. But when things have to get screwed they just get screwed. One look at my work and he knew. The way he raised his head slowly and looked at me, the conviction his gaze bore, my heart skipped a beat! There was no need for him to word his thought. The silence between us was evident that I had mistaken his smartness.

He broke the pause and asked, "So you should be detained for you have cheated."

I remained silent. I wanted to laugh.. After the initial embarrassment, I was dying to ask him how did he know the real artist. But I held back. My face showed no shame, I did not feel any. On second thoughts, I felt my attempts were forlorn because he knew of my artistic capabilities. And the combined reflection of both, the give away and my indifferent connection with arts showed on my face now.

He continued staring and before I could control, I blurted, " How could you possibly know the person who made this?"

"Ok tell me, why did you pick this?"

"Oh! Its very simple. The first look and I thought to myself.. if I was forced to become an artist, this is how my work would end up looking. Look at the lines, look at the symmetry. Are there any straight lines? Is there symmetry at all? And his name.. Its like amateur Indian wanna-be artist barely surviving under an Italian alias! It all went down good with me. One look at this and I was like, this is so horrible, my prof would buy into this!"

His pale fair face had turned crimson. I thought I saw hurt on his face. He looked at me and whispered hoarsely, "Really? Is that why you picked this?"

What could someone who was caught cheating in university test say to the same questions asked the twice? He already knew the answer. Maybe he needed an affirmation.

"Yes", I said.

And he put a big zero on my assignment paper.

Not that I wasn't expecting that, but still my face fell. He wrote detained next to my name in a register and handed the paper to me. I could sense his sudden discomfort and the weirdo inside me just got all the more curious. I shrugged away the hesitation and asked him again, "How did you know this was not my work?"

He looked straight into my eyes, which filled up with anger mixed with hurt and said, " Valentino is my pseudo name and that is my work."

Ringing silence

Missing : Mothership

No one warned me that being an immigrant meant being stuck in time.  My life is anything but simple. But my life has hardly ever been what i...