Friday, December 24, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Moving in
Monday, December 06, 2010
I'll have a new postal address soon :)
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
The celestine prophecy is true!
Thursday, November 04, 2010
How Goa happened
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Goa and the way it makes me feel :)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Thursday, September 09, 2010
How spirituality helps me.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Fataak part 1 :P
I landed at the ahmedabad airport, weary of my decision. Was arriving in the city on the day of her birthday too obvious a thing? One part of me wanted her to understand I was doing this for her and the other was extremely apprehensive of her reaction.
I picked my luggage and made way to the exit. While I waited for the company car to arrive, I dialed her number. After a few tring trings she picked up.
"Hello", she said.
My heart skipped a beat.
"Hi, happy birthday yaar."
"Thanks." came her casual reply.
After a pause I said, "I am back in the city. I was waiting at the airport for the taxi to arrive and the phone screen blinked, said it’s your birthday so I called you."
I crossed my fingers and prayed. Had my cooked up story given me away. I had not forgotten even for a single second that 1st was her birthday.
“Oh good for me you called. Thanks so much for calling.”, she said ever so sweetly and made my heart go fisssssssssh!!!
“So what’s the plan for the big day.” I asked, hoping for a party invitation.
“Well it’s my 25th and I’d decided it to be special so I organised a small party for my close pals outside the city. It’s this heritage resort near Baroda. Will be staying the night, return tomorrow.”, she said.
A lump dropped in the pit of my stomach. Did she stress the words “close pals” deliberately or had I imagined? Oh no, I was fornicating. And then a huge virtual club hit my backside. It was my alter ego sniggering at the miserable failure of my plan. “And you thought she was waiting for her prince charming to arrive. She gives a shit dude! Fool of the highest order. Such a fucktard!!” it said laughing its devilish laughter.
“Achha, listen.”, I heard her say.
"Yeah, yeah what?”, I said, recovering from the virtual whack session.
“I need to go now. Need to check the arrangements one more time.”
“Sure”, I said trying to sound indifferent yet polite, “have a blast.”
“ Lets meet tomorrow.”, I blurted out and this time a club hit the left of my forhead. "Idiot! no self-respect." growled the AE.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
One way to pick a future is to believe its inevitable
Sunday, August 01, 2010
How much of a friend are you to me is as much a friend you will remain...
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Eve teasing
Friday, July 02, 2010
Chaumasa nu aagmann amdavad ma
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
So much for eccentricity
Monday, June 28, 2010
An ode to Love
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Less of the real thing, more about the idea of it!!!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Emotions mein milavat!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Coffee Conversations and more
Ugh uh Gar thought... She whispered into the cell phone, "Hang on." and putting the cell phone face down looked at her granny. "Hmmm..", she muttered trying to sound sleepy, unable to open her eyes.
"Kiske saath lagi padi hai itni raat ko?"
Being dramatic is in Gar's blood. She puts up an even bigger act, "Hmmm.. kya? Phone? What are you saying?"
Gran mutters a few pata-nahi-itni-raat-ko-kiske-saath-lagi-hui-hai type sentences and leaves the room.
Gar speaks into the phone, "Phew... Stupid female!!!!"
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha...", came a very stifled and a hollow laughter from the other side of the phone.
"And now my gran thinks I have a boyfriend!", Gar whispered into the phone, "Chal, lets sleep now... Shit! Can you believe its 5 am!! I just din't realise man... "
"Hee hee neither did I. Yeah lets sleep.. Are we meeting tomorrow?", asked the voice.
"Yeah, we should right? Otherwise it will be another week before we can see each other.", replied Gar.
"Yeah see ya tomorrow then. Goodnight baby."
Yet another lazy Sunday evening. Gar is with her 5 am conversation best bud Vidya sitting at a Barista scrolling through the menu, figuring out what to order.
"A skinny Mocha for me please.", says Gar to the waiter.
Vidya gives her infamous 'rolled-eyes' look and says to the waiter, "Make it two."
They sit themselves in a corner. Gar puts on her typical cafe-behaviour which is to remove her shoes and wrap her legs with her hands and rest her head sideways and close her eyes. Vidya waits until she is finished and says, "I guess I ovulated just now."
"How can you tell?"
"It's the pain... a different kind of pain. I can tell", says Vidya.
"Brilliant.. I can never remember my term dates."
"Well, you have peaceful periods anyway. You don't have to worry."
"Yeah.. :) touchwood!"
Gar is half lying on the couch. She looks away and scans the room. Her swaying vision is concentrating on nothing particular. Suddenly she recollects something she has to tell Vidya.
"You know what happened today? While I was coming to pick you up? This bloody richshaw wala bumped into me and c@#$%#! shouted at me for no reason!"
"And what was your reaction?"
"You think I won't shout back huh? I shouted back man... He he.. he was scared.. but saala richshaw mein se chilla raha tha.. bada mard ban raha tha!" Gar is upright, animated, excited and hyper. Vidya listens to her story with the same calm and composure like she is meditating on Gar's story. She has stopped flinching at Gar's swear-filled conversations. Afterall, it's been ten years since they first met.
It's Vidya's turn to pick on some other topic. She chooses Gar's latest crush, Jigar. "Did he call?"
"No and I don't think he will."
"Why?", inquired Vidya.
"Because I have a hunch he is not serious. He is just playing around. And I don't think I want to know him more."
"But if he called you after leaving the city it means he is interested doesn't it?"
The skinny mochas arrive and Gar pours one sugar into each cup, stirs and speaks at the same time.
"Well he is interested I know. But in what I don't. And I am in no mood to test my own feelings. I am pretty much settled and need a settled person to be with. Not the 'Lets see how this works types'."
"But you never know. It might just click. What's the harm in giving it a shot?", suggests Vidya.
"Give what a shot? It isn't like he has left the city and is texting me he misses me. It is nothing like what normal people to when they are beginning to fall in love. "
"But he's said he likes you.", says Vidya
"Like is a very vague word honey.", says Gar and as an afterthought adds, "I am better off being on my own."
"Right. And you have me, you definitely don't need anyone", adds Vidya
"Yes..ha ha.. my secret boyfriend", winks Gar and they both giggle away over cups of coffee.
Gar reaches home just after 9 pm. She goes to the kitchen to make rotis for her when her granny asks, "Kaun tha 5 baje raat ko?"
"Mulle ki daud mazjid tak dadi. Kaun ho sakta hai?", Gar answered while rolling out the dough on the chapati slab.
"Vidya? You silly girls. Pura din kam hota hai jo raat ko 5 baje phone par lage hote ho."Gars' dadi is beyond surprised!
"We both are busy na. And today was a sunday so we thought we could just make use of time."
"Isse to achha yehi hota ke tum dono boyfriends bana lete." Said the granny and went into the living room. Gar whispered very softly after her, "Uska to hai!" and spread some butter on her roti while she does a giggle-smile and quickly texts Vidya updating her about what just happened.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Missing : Mothership
No one warned me that being an immigrant meant being stuck in time. My life is anything but simple. But my life has hardly ever been what i...
These days I have become obsessed with anything that says media.The word stirs someting in me. It is an attention grabber. Six months into m...
It feels like my journey as a writer has begun to pay off. Below are the links to a few articles which I did for Home-Designing. All the art...